
MINUTES of a meeting of the Cabinet held on 19 April 2022 at Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes



Councillors Keith Glazier (Chair)


Councillors Nick Bennett (Vice Chair), Bob Bowdler, Claire Dowling, Carl Maynard, Rupert Simmons and Bob Standley

                                    Members spoke on the items indicated

                        Councillor Beaver                      - item 6 (minute 52)

                        Councillor Collier                        - item 6 (minute 52)       

                        Councillor Denis                         - item 5 (minute 51)

                        Councillor Field                          - items 5 and 6 (minutes 51 and 52)

Councillor Galley                       - items 5 and 6 (minutes 51 and 52)

                       Councillor Hilton                        - item 6 (minute 52)        

                        Councillor Lambert                   - item 6 (minute 52)

                        Councillor Maynard                  - item 5 (minute 51)                                                      

  Councillor Stephen Shing        - items 5 and 6 (minutes 51 and 52)

  Councillor Georgia Taylor       - item 6 (minute 52)

  Councillor Tutt                          - items 5 and 6 (minutes 51 and 52)

  Councillor Ungar                      - item 5 (minute 51)



48.         Minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2022

48.1     The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 1 March 2022 were agreed as a correct record.



49.         Reports

49.1     Copies of the reports referred to below are included in the minute book.



50.         Disclosures of interests

50.1     There were no disclosures of interest.



51.         Health and Care Bill Implementation

51.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care.

51.2     It was RESOLVED to:

1.               Note that the proposed legislation requires the Council to be a member of the statutory Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS) from 1 July 2022 and the plans to operate the ICS in shadow form;

2.               Note the Council’s ongoing commitment, accountability and lead role in integrating care and improving population health in East Sussex;


3.               Agree:

a)    the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board to attend the shadow Sussex Health and Care Assembly (as previously agreed by the Cabinet on 29 June 2021);

b)    the three upper tier Councils in Sussex being represented on the shadow NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board (ICB) by a Director of Adult Services, a Director of Children’s Services and a Director of Public Health drawn from across the councils, to be agreed by the Chief Executives; and  

c)    the Sussex Health and Care Assembly being established as a joint committee between the future NHS Sussex ICB, East Sussex County Council (ESCC) West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) with power to make the appropriate arrangements delegated to the Assistant Chief Executive.

4.               Agree the principles set out in paragraph 2.17 of the report that underpin how the NHS Sussex ICB will work with and in East Sussex to support close working with the NHS.

5.               Agree to receive a further report on plans to progress local working with the NHS later in the year. 


51.3     Establishing ICSs on a statutory footing represents a significant change to the way the Council works in partnership with the NHS, to plan and commission services to meet health and care needs of the population of East Sussex, and improve health and reduce health inequalities.  The key changes are summarised in Appendix 4 of the report.   The new Duty to Collaborate requires the County Council to participate in the statutory NHS Sussex ICB and set up the Sussex Health and Care Assembly as a joint committee.  Appropriate governance and accountability arrangements will be critical to enabling the Council to continue to jointly plan and commission services effectively, to secure the best possible outcomes for our population and meet the new Duty.


51.4     There is agreement to shared principles within the Sussex ICS to the planning and deployment of resources focussed on population needs at Place level (East Sussex).  This is aimed at ensuring people have access to a joined up offer of health and social care and support in their community, or near to where they live.  This will also enable the Council to continue to contribute effectively to the shared agenda for maintaining strong performance on D2A and patients who are medically ready for discharge from hospital, and supporting the recovery and delivery of NHS services as a result of the pandemic. In this context, developing robust plans to transform care models and deliver integrated care, as well as working with the NHS across the wide range of services at Place level to improve population health, remains our strong priority. A further report about our future shared plans to strengthen our capability to deliver this will brought to Cabinet at a later date.




52.         Ukraine situation

52.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Executive.

52.2     It was RESOLVED to note the local implications of the current situation in Ukraine and approve the actions being taken in response by ESCC in conjunction with partner organisations.


52.3     Our county already has a proud record of helping people forced to flee wars but this is the largest challenge we have had to rise to. It is heartening to see individuals and communities across the county already stepping up to help. Considerable work is underway across the Council and our partner organisations to respond robustly and positively, and to mitigate the risks arising from the situation as effectively as possible. We are also taking appropriate action to identify and manage risks arising from the wider economic and security impacts of the conflict in Ukraine through our corporate risk management systems.




53.         Auditor's Annual (VFM) Report on East Sussex County Council 2020/21

53.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Finance Officer.

53.2     It was RESOLVED to note the External Auditor’s Annual Report on East Sussex County Council for 2020/21.


53.3     The Annual (Value for Money) Report for 2020/21 has identified no significant weaknesses in the Council’s VfM arrangements. The 9 improvement recommendations put forward are advisory and management will responded appropriately.



54.         External Audit Plan 2021/22

54.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.

54.2     It was RESOLVED to  approve the External Audit Plan for 2021/22.


54.3     The External Audit Plan provides an overview of the planned scope and timing of the statutory audit of the Council’s 2021/22 statement of accounts and identifies any significant risks.



55.         Internal Audit Strategy and Plan 2022/23

55.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.

55.2     It was RESOLVED to agree the Council’s Internal Audit Strategy and Annual Plan 2022/23.


55.3     The Internal Audit Strategy and Plan sets out how the Council will meet its statutory requirements for internal audit.



56.         Items to be reported to the County Council

56.1     It was agreed that no items on the Cabinet agenda would be reported to the County Council.

